If you get a traffic ticket in the state of Missouri, there are two different ways that it can impact you and your driver’s license.

The first way is obvious: You have to show up to court and receive a judgement for your traffic violation, and you could end up with serious fines and court costs.

The second way is less obvious: The Missouri Department of Revenue keeps track of points on your license from traffic violations. If you get enough points, your license could be suspended or revoked.

When you hire a traffic ticket attorney at MRD Lawyers, we will defend you in the courts and in the Traffic Ticket Point System. We can often prevent you from getting a conviction in the courts, so the violation never goes on your record and you never get points on your license.

In today’s blog, the traffic ticket attorneys at MRD Lawyers explain the details of the Traffic Ticket Point System in Missouri.

What Is the Traffic Ticket Point System in Missouri?

In Missouri, the Missouri Department of Revenue is in charge of driver’s licenses. That means they can approve new driver’s licenses, they can suspend driver’s licenses, and they can revoke driver’s licenses. They use the Traffic Ticket Point System to keep track of the traffic violations for every driver in the state.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the penalties for points on your license:

You get a written warning letter: If you get 4 points on your driver’s license in 12 months.

You get a license suspension: If you get 8 points on your driver’s license in 18 months. The 1st suspension is 30 days. The 2nd suspension is 60 days. Any more suspensions are 90 days.

Your license will be revoked: If you get 12 points on your driver’s license in 12 months, 18 points in 24 months, or 24 points in 36 months.

It’s easy to see how important it is to avoid getting points on your driver’s license. There are lots of different traffic violations that result in points. Some put major points on your license, some put minor points on your license. Read on to find out which violations add major points and which violations add minor points.

What Traffic Tickets Put Minor Points on Your Record?

There are lots and lots of traffic violations that will put minor points on your license.  Some are pretty rare, some happen all the time, and many of them can happen all at once.

The most common “minor points” that drivers get come from speeding tickets. In the state of Missouri, a speeding ticket will usually count as 3 points on your driving record. This is something that happens to lots of normal everyday drivers, but that doesn’t mean it’s not serious. Points can add up quickly, and you can get your license suspended or revoked just as quickly.

The smallest point amount for violations is 2 points, and even those can add up quickly. There are a lot of things that drivers do every day that would get them 2 points on their license, for example:

2 points – Collide with vehicle/property

2 points – Inattention/Careless Driving

2 points – Improper backing up

2 points – Texting while driving

2 points – Following too close

2 points – Aggressive driving

2 points – Driving over curb

You might have noticed that a lot of these violations could be added up in a single traffic stop. For example, you might improperly back up your car, go over a curb, and collide with a street sign. Now you’re looking at 6 points on your license for a single incident! This is why it’s so important to bring in an experienced traffic ticket lawyer who can prevent points from going on your license in the first place.

MRD Lawyer’s Quick Tip: Points on your license add up quickly! There’s really no such thing as “minor points” on your driving record, because several minor tickets can add up to a serious penalty. If you have a traffic ticket, let us handle it and try to prevent any points from going on your record in the first place.

What Traffic Tickets Put Major Points on Your Record?

When we’re talking about major points on your license, we’re talking about traffic tickets that will get your license suspended or revoked. All it takes to get your license suspended is one 8 point violation. All it takes to get your license revoked is one 12 point violation. If you have gotten a traffic ticket for one of these major violations, you need to talk to a traffic ticket attorney right away.

The following 8 point violations will get your license suspended:

8 points – Driving under influence of drugs – 1st offense

8 points – Driving with excess Blood Alcohol Content – 1st offense

The following 12 point violations will get your license revoked:

12 points – Driving under influence of drugs – 2nd offense

12 points – Driving with excess Blood Alcohol Content – 2nd offense

12 points – Felony involving a motor vehicle

12 points – Leaving scene of accident

To see all of the traffic violations and points, check out the Missouri Department of Revenue’s complete list.

Traffic Ticket Attorneys at MRD Lawyers

If all of these legal violations and point systems are giving you a headache, don’t worry, that’s what your traffic ticket attorney at MRD Lawyers is for. We will take care of everything, usually you won’t even have to appear in court for minor tickets. Our goal is to keep traffic ticket convictions off your record and keep points off your license. If you want the help of a legal team with more than 30 years experience winning cases in Springfield, you want MRD Lawyers. Contact our team today.

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