I get asked this question all of the time: Will I have to go to Court on my speeding ticket when I hire you as my criminal defense lawyer? There is a short answer and then a longer answer. I guess I understand the situation. I am one…
Well, that certainly seems like the easiest thing to do, right? The Springfield Police Officer just gave you a ticket for speeding. Or maybe it was Greene County or a Highway Patrolman. They were a nice guy and lowered the speed from 20 over to 16 over. That…
You are late for a meeting. The kids did not move fast enough this morning and you are running behind. What is the worst thing that could happen? That’s right… You see the lights and hear the siren behind you. You are about ready to get a present…
You get pulled over by the Springfield Police Officer and given a ticket. Maybe it’s a speeding citation. Maybe it is a Driving While Intoxicate charge. On the top left-hand corner there is a box that reads: “Court Date.” That is the date you, or your criminal defense…
The worst possible time. That is when it is going to happen to you. Driving to work and you are late. Worse yet, driving with your kids in the car. Regular traffic stop. Maybe driving a little over the speed limit and then BOOM. You are arrested on…