We are going to have to figure out which category you belong in before we can answer your question. The categories are: if you do not have an attorney, if you have an attorney other than MRD Lawyers, and if we are your attorneys. The answer is going…
As a DWI Defense Attorney, the most common question I get asked is: “Should I blow?” Of course, I never give a straight answer. There are way too many variables. I know what I would do, but I am my own boss and I am never going to…
A first time Missouri Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) case will be charged as a Class B misdemeanor in State Court. This will be true whether you were intoxicated by alcohol, drugs or a combination of drugs and alcohol. While you will hear the terms Driving Under the Influence…
The Class A Felony charge is the highest level of classification of crime in the State of Missouri. This is the highest of the high, the most serious level of crime. This includes cases like Murder in the First Degree, Murder in the Second Degree, Robbery in the…
If you have ever met with me in my office, you will know that I say consistently that any lawyer that makes you a promise is a liar. Want to know what else makes a lawyer a liar? If they say they have nothing else to learn. Boy,…